Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Here are some of  the most fascinating childhood memories of my native village in my mother tongue Malayalam.



Monday, 16 September 2013

                 ONAM -MY SWEET MEMORIES

Here are some of my sweet childhood memories of  our National festival, Onam ,in my mother tongue, Malayalam.I chose Malayalam because I can't convey my touching childhood memories fully in any other language.








Saturday, 31 August 2013

                     I believe that  there are two types of ego. The first one is the feeling  of being a great person, greater than everybody else. The second one is the pride of being the carrier of a spark of that Divine light, the Almighty. The first will lead to your self destruction while the second to your self resurrection. The moment you have that strong belief that you are a representative of God having that light inside you  and start living up to that, your success in life is assured. Sky will be  your limit. The depth of your faith determines the easiness with which you achieve success.

             God, Almighty walks behind a true devotee having deep faith in him. God will worship him by smearing His forehead with the dust under  that feet.We won’t have to run after the worldly pleasures. What we deserve and what God feels we need, He  will shower on us at the right time. Even then keep your mind steady. Don’t run after the pleasures you got and indulge in them, deviating from the path of God. Only a strong faith in God will please his close followers namely ‘Prosperity’ , ‘Happiness’ and’ Peace of Mind’ . If we are charmed by these and go after all these and forget worshiping God , the above followers of god  will leave us in darkness. This you can observe in the society around you.

           Believe me, whoever be you, this is the shortest way to attain success and blessings of God. Consider life as a journey. You might have confronted many obstacles in your journey before. The moment you have deep faith in God, without any suspicion, you feel like walking through a path covered with roses. Dedicate your life for the service of people around you. I plead you not to waste your precious life by being a self centered person. Kindle this thought in everybody around you. Teach your children this truth. Let them grow with that strong faith in God. They won’t break down in any crisis. This is your great duty to your children. Whoever follows the knowledge I here impart, which I learned from my own life can fly to success with strong divine wings .Even then bow your head down to earth to enjoy your blessings forever.


Thursday, 2 May 2013

Subjective and Objective Literary Works-My view points


                            I believe that no writer can write without expressing his personal life and experiences. Majority of the literary works are thinly veiled autobiographies. Modern critics argue for objective writings.How can one write without being subjective, or expressing his personal feelings? At least one character will be a representative of the writer himself.

                   The Legendary English dramatist, William Shakespeare expresses what Keats called “Negative Capability” in his plays. I believe that he could do so, because he expressed his self without any veil in his Sonnets. He might have derived pleasure in such self expression. So he could make his plays objective. The innumerable characters in Shakespeare plays are different or they are typical. The true greatness of Shakespeare is that the dialogue of one character can never be put in to the mouth of any of his other characters. Only a great writer like Shakespeare can do that. I believe he could do that because of his keen observation of society and study of the psychology of people around him.

                      I admire him greatly for this aspect. His works are wild forests when compared to the writings of other great writers which can be compared to beautiful, well trimmed gardens, according to Samuel Johnson, the great English critic.


                         Even John Milton, who took the theme of his epic from the”Bible”, where we think there is no space for self expression, expressed his revolutionary spirit through Satan. He made Satan his mouth piece. This really astonished me.

                        In ordinary works we can see more than one representative of the writer and there we can see that the dialogue of one character can easily be put in to the mouth of others.

                    My belief is that William Shakespeare is so objective in his plays, because he derived the great pleasure of self expression or subjectivity in his great Sonnets.


Monday, 22 April 2013

Greatness of Life


                        Life can be compared to a growing plant.If you nourish it well and wait patiently for the fruits, you will get back ripe sweet fruits. If you show impatience and carelessness, you will have to pay for it.The nourishment in life is imparting knowledge.


                We must become self sufficient with the weapon of knowledge.Real knowledge is that of devotion to God. The ultimate attainment in life is that of deep relation with almighty.That only will save you in your life.Everything else is mere illusion.If you watch the world around you , in  utmost calm and tranquil moments ,you can understand this great truth.


Enjoy the blessings of God and make your life beautiful like a fruitful orchard!!!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Greatness of government service


                                      As I myself am a Government servant, here I wish to share my ideas which I think are worthy enough to share with you. When you get a post in an office or institution as a representative of the Government, first of all think about your position; think why you are posted there, what is the purpose of the Government or formless institution in doing so. It pays you, gives you all privileges and assigns you some duties and responsibilities. Always be vigilant about those responsibilities. 

                                  You must think about your rights and at the same time you must have in mind your duties. Try your maximum. Be punctual, whatever be your office time. That time period is not your own. You cannot spend even a second in that time period, except that allotted leisure time, according to your will. Count each second for which Government pays you as precious and spend it for the duties assigned to you.  When you waste a second, remember that you are wasting the time and money of the public to whom you are committed. Whoever be your customers, work hard to satisfy them. Don’t tease or insult the public who come to you. Always think that you are a Government servant, or the servant of each and every civilian in the country for whom the Government stands. Don’t think that Government has given you a chair to pay you and make your life comfortable. Don’t demand respect, but command respect. You have to help the public, majority of whom may be illiterate. Your duty is to satisfy them and it is not to satisfy only your Boss. I believe that it is not your Boss, but God who judges and pays you in terms of your deeds and services. Always have in mind the proverb, “Work is Worship.”To get a chance to serve the public is equivalent to getting a chance to worship God, who has assigned you this role.

                                 The time after your working hours is your own and spend that time without any botheration about your work. Shed the burden of your work at the working place itself when you step out of the office, similarly, shed your personal life at the step of your office when you step in to the office. 

                                 Act worthy enough to be an asset to the society when you are healthy. Don’t think about the consequences or personal profits. You yourself will have what you deserve. Be fully conscious about your role and utilize your whole capacity for the well being of the people you are concerned with in your profession. Don’t ever make a black spot in your career. Follow ethics in your profession and give primary importance to it. Do justice to your conscience. Consider your service to the public not as a favour, but as your duty.

                                    Consider yourself to be one among the selected few to serve the public, from a whole nation or a state .Keep up your greatness. Don’t ever demand or receive bribes. If you do so, I will say that you are in a level lower than that of a beggar, however esteemed you seem to be. Do you think that you can make your life comfortable with that money? No, never.You will have to repent in your life for that. There will be a time in your life when you will have to standstill and look back into your past life. Then you should not feel like “I should not have done that.”Never deviate from the path of truth.Enjoy doing the work assigned to you. Indeed that will bring into your life a new fragrance and sweetness.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Tips for a Happy Life!

                       .      To lead a happy life, all you need is strong faith in God and dedication in your Deeds. Leave everything else to God. Do all your duties at your level best. Then they will automatically become perfect. You should have the willingness to undertake any task coming in your way. Do not ever bother about your daily silly problems. Leave all that to God, who knows what your timely requirements are.
                    If we lament and bother 24 hours about our hardships and hurdles in  life, believe me, God will never pay any attention to that .We are so when we are self centered and consider all achievements as  the results of our own efforts and ability and blindly ignore the role of the Omnipotent. In such cases I say, you are not at all a worshipper of God, however intense you seem to be. Then you cannot feel the presence of God and you feel all alone.The moment you can identify His presence, you can proceed with the confidence to overcome any challenge in your life. For that you should always be aware of the different roles you have here on the Earth,whether it be that of a son, brother, husband, father; daughter, sister, wife, mother or an officer, and try to enact them perfectly. If you are willing to try to make them perfect and start doing so 100% satisfactorily, God will stand along with you to accomplish the job perfectly. The important aspect here is your dedication and sincerity.Do things without having any concern about  success, but having concern about the Almighty and doing justice to your Conscience.If you follow this, your achievements will be incredible. 
                          Always have in mind your favourite hymn in praise of God and try to analyse your everyday achievements in connection with Him. Thus try to become very close to Him without any intermediaries.Then you will receive His messages directly without any interruption and that will make your life beautiful beyond limits. Spend 23 hours and 40 minutes for your daily activities and the rest, ie, 20 minutes at least for worshiping God, who sets everything right in your life.


Saturday, 26 January 2013

Discover the Real Power in You

Want to become successful in life? Try this solution!

                          "Be coward to God and brave to men"

      We are all the representatives of the Omnipresent, Omnipotent Almighty. Do you know the potential in You? Nothing is impossible if we have a positive attitude. It is the Attitude that determines our destiny. When I watched a circus show recently, the first one in my life, I confirmed this fact. There,even ladies were performing deadly tasks with smiles on their faces. I felt that they were mocking at the ladies sitting at home, complaining about their back pain and other problems. In my opinion we have to amass power from the circus ladies' example. There is immense potential  lying undiscovered within us, which can enable us to achieve the goal, whatever be the task. But we need only a very small portion of this potential to play the roles assigned to us by God, wonderfully.If we can’t do it, it’s only the problem of our attitude.

                              Don't ever be negative in your life. Take everything in a positive mood. The only thing you need in your life to march towards success is an attitude to deviate more and more towards the Almighty's side and positive thoughts. Have faith in the power of God, who will never do anything wrong to us. Don’t think that He will punish us for our mistakes. If you think that there is such a force, believe me, it’s not God. This is the first thing that should come to our mind that God will never punish us but guard us as a loving parent guards his child. Don't fear God, fear only your deeds. We receive back the result of our deeds and attitudes. Trust Him and deeply love Him or ourselves, who are the real miniature forms of him, having that divine spark of light inside us. I would like to call this spark, our "Conscience”. Be truthful to our conscience and proceed, keeping in mind the famous poet John Keats' words: "Truth Beauty, Beauty Truth”, which to me implies that Truth means God which is the beauty of my life. Shower and dedicate your efforts to make your roles beautiful and enact them perfectly. Have self respect. Don’t think about other people's attitudes towards us. Pay attention to your attitudes towards the world around you. Do justice to all, first of all to your Conscience and be happy by enjoying the small daily things of life. Derive pleasure in your everyday activities by enjoying and doing every task ,be it cooking, washing or administration of the country, perfectly with a smile on your face. It will make your tomorrows bright. Imagine that you have an account in God Almighty's Bank. You can deposit into it by doing things that please Him. By cheating and crookedly overtaking others, we can only raise our Swiss Bank deposit. But it will reduce the deposit in Almighty's Bank. Count the value of money earned with sweat on your forehead, however small it be. Consider it precious than the crores you amass deviating from the path of truth. Don’t compare yourself with anyone, whom you think have attained success. Only think about your role here on Earth and do justice to it. Then I can assure you that you will attain success and can be a role model to the whole world.

                                    Wake up, rise and shine!