Saturday, 26 January 2013

Discover the Real Power in You

Want to become successful in life? Try this solution!

                          "Be coward to God and brave to men"

      We are all the representatives of the Omnipresent, Omnipotent Almighty. Do you know the potential in You? Nothing is impossible if we have a positive attitude. It is the Attitude that determines our destiny. When I watched a circus show recently, the first one in my life, I confirmed this fact. There,even ladies were performing deadly tasks with smiles on their faces. I felt that they were mocking at the ladies sitting at home, complaining about their back pain and other problems. In my opinion we have to amass power from the circus ladies' example. There is immense potential  lying undiscovered within us, which can enable us to achieve the goal, whatever be the task. But we need only a very small portion of this potential to play the roles assigned to us by God, wonderfully.If we can’t do it, it’s only the problem of our attitude.

                              Don't ever be negative in your life. Take everything in a positive mood. The only thing you need in your life to march towards success is an attitude to deviate more and more towards the Almighty's side and positive thoughts. Have faith in the power of God, who will never do anything wrong to us. Don’t think that He will punish us for our mistakes. If you think that there is such a force, believe me, it’s not God. This is the first thing that should come to our mind that God will never punish us but guard us as a loving parent guards his child. Don't fear God, fear only your deeds. We receive back the result of our deeds and attitudes. Trust Him and deeply love Him or ourselves, who are the real miniature forms of him, having that divine spark of light inside us. I would like to call this spark, our "Conscience”. Be truthful to our conscience and proceed, keeping in mind the famous poet John Keats' words: "Truth Beauty, Beauty Truth”, which to me implies that Truth means God which is the beauty of my life. Shower and dedicate your efforts to make your roles beautiful and enact them perfectly. Have self respect. Don’t think about other people's attitudes towards us. Pay attention to your attitudes towards the world around you. Do justice to all, first of all to your Conscience and be happy by enjoying the small daily things of life. Derive pleasure in your everyday activities by enjoying and doing every task ,be it cooking, washing or administration of the country, perfectly with a smile on your face. It will make your tomorrows bright. Imagine that you have an account in God Almighty's Bank. You can deposit into it by doing things that please Him. By cheating and crookedly overtaking others, we can only raise our Swiss Bank deposit. But it will reduce the deposit in Almighty's Bank. Count the value of money earned with sweat on your forehead, however small it be. Consider it precious than the crores you amass deviating from the path of truth. Don’t compare yourself with anyone, whom you think have attained success. Only think about your role here on Earth and do justice to it. Then I can assure you that you will attain success and can be a role model to the whole world.

                                    Wake up, rise and shine!


  1. Gr8,it was really inspiring!

  2. These positive thoughts inspired me .

  3. Great...inspiring thoughts...

  4. Biju D Cunha, Govt. LPS Elenthikara28 February 2013 at 05:25

    Its really inspiring...... injecting positive energy to all those who think that life is barren, hopless and hapless.
